The Importance of Prioritizing Your Mental Health During Your Pregnancy From An Online Therapist In Tampa Florida

The Importance of Prioritizing Your Mental Health During Your Pregnancy From An Online Therapist In Tampa Florida

Pregnancy is an incredible and transformative journey filled with joy, anticipation, and excitement. While the process of bringing forth new life can be beautiful and happy, as we know, it can also be a struggle for many women. It's a time of significant emotional, physical, and life changes, which can be exciting, but also bring along uncomfortable emotions and challenges to the mother’s mental health. From anxiety and depression to overwhelming stress, the wellbeing of both the mother and the developing baby can be impacted. 

How to Help Your Children Cope with the Emotional Toll of Frequent Military Moves: Tips From An Online Therapist in Tampa, FL

How to Help Your Children Cope with the Emotional Toll of Frequent Military Moves: Tips From An Online Therapist in Tampa, FL

Military families are no strangers to sacrifice. They kiss their service members goodbye for long deployments and live through frequent moves, leaving behind familiar places, friends, and family. Relocating every few years can especially take an emotional toll on children, disrupting their sense of stability and security while creating logistical and practical challenges for parents. 

Resources for Military Spouses From An Online Therapist In Tampa Florida

Resources for Military Spouses From An Online Therapist In Tampa Florida

The military lifestyle is unique and only truly understood by those who experience it personally. Characterized by frequent moves and deployments, the lives of spouses and families who support service members at home can be full of challenges not faced by the civilian population. 

Understanding and Coping With Grief, From An Online Therapist in Tampa Florida

Understanding and Coping With Grief, From An Online Therapist in Tampa Florida

Grief is a universal human experience, one that touches all of us at some point in our lives. It is the complex and deeply personal response to loss and, though it is something everyone experiences, each person's path is unique. Rather than being a linear process with a definitive end, grief is a lifelong journey that weaves its way into the very fabric of our lives.

How Online Therapy Can Help Moms With Postpartum Depression In Tampa

How Online Therapy Can Help Moms With Postpartum Depression In Tampa

Pregnancy is such a special time in life. There’s the glowing sense of abundance that somehow outweighs the uncomfortable body changes, the feeling of connection to new life, and the eager anticipation of meeting baby for the first time. No matter how labor and delivery unfolded, whether with ease and as planned or requiring emergency intervention, the postpartum period is often a different story. 

How To Find An Online Therapist That Treats Postpartum Anxiety and Depression in Louisiana

 How To Find An Online Therapist That Treats Postpartum Anxiety and Depression in Louisiana

Online therapy has become a new normal for therapists and clients alike. Once viewed with skepticism, the format has taken off in the wake of the global pandemic and an increasing need among people to access mental health services. 

It’s particularly useful for women living with postpartum depression and anxiety, both of which are serious mental health conditions that can affect women after childbirth. They are characterized by a range of emotional and physical symptoms that interfere with a woman's ability to care for herself and her new baby.

How To Use Your Tricare Benefit For Online Therapy In Florida

How To Use Your Tricare Benefit For Online Therapy In Florida

Tricare, the health insurance program that provides coverage to active duty and retired military members, their families, and survivors, covers a variety of benefits, including mental health care. This includes online therapy, a great option for those who live in rural areas like Panama City or Ocala have schedules that don’t accommodate traditional in-person therapy, or military families who relocate often. 

What Is Postpartum Psychosis?

What Is Postpartum Psychosis?

Few things are as life-changing as childbirth. The physical and emotional tolls of the act itself multiplied by the social isolation experienced by a new mother make this event one of the major stressors for a woman. As a result, it’s relatively normal for a new mom to experience mood swings and some mild depression in the first two weeks called baby blues but it’s important to be aware of the more serious manifestations of postpartum motherhood. 

10 New Orleans Area Date Night Ideas For Women From an Online Therapist

10 New Orleans Area Date Night Ideas For Women From an Online Therapist

We talk about it as moms all the time, and our friends likely warned us about it before we had kids of our own. Your relationship with your partner will probably struggle in the months and years after you grow your family by adding a child. And yes, the day-to-day grind of raising small humans can be exhausting and seemingly all-consuming of your energy. So, your connection with your partner gets put on a back burner, assuming this season of life will pass and someday you’ll be able to pick up where you left off with your Number One. 

Military Moms: How To Help Your Children Cope With Your Spouse's Deployment

Military Moms: How To Help Your Children Cope With Your Spouse's Deployment

Frequently a challenge for military families who are uprooted is the lack of a support system for the parents and children. In such times of distress, kids might reach out to seemingly unlikely peers and trusted adults with questions, seeking advice, or for connection. It’s smart to talk with the people in your child’s life and explain what’s happening so they can help monitor any changes in behavior or mood and give additional support to your child.


From there, your family can do several things to prepare for an upcoming deployment or find a sense of normalcy and peace during one. Here are 4 tips for how to help your children cope with your spouse’s deployment 

10 Tampa Bay Area Date Night Ideas for Women From An Online Therapist

10 Tampa Bay Area Date Night Ideas for Women From An Online Therapist

Sure, it makes sense. You shared a deep connection and life before children entered the picture but now, it’s exhausting to even get through the tasks of the day without having to worry about cultivating your relationship. Shouldn’t it just be fine on auto-pilot for a while until you get through this stage of parenting? 

The reality is that it’s not just this stage of parenting you need to get through. Raising kids is at least an 18-year commitment and there’s no way a partnership, no matter how strong the foundation, can sit on a shelf for that long. The same is true for your friendships and your own self so don’t put those on the backburner either. 

Four Tools To Help Manage A Panic Attack

Four Tools To Help Manage A Panic Attack

People often use the terms “anxiety attack” and “panic attack” interchangeably but in reality, they are very different. If you have experienced the debilitating intensity of a panic attack, you’re familiar with the distress one can cause and the lingering worry that accompanies it’s passing. 

While anxiety has roots in future-oriented worry and manifests as a more low-level distress of extended duration, panic attacks are acute, coming on quickly and often without specific reason. Everyone experiences their own unique cluster of symptoms during a panic attack including both physical and emotional distress. 

How to Cope With The Pain of Loss With The Start of the New Year: Tips from an Online Therapist in Honolulu, HI

How to Cope With The Pain of Loss With The Start of the New Year: Tips from an Online Therapist in Honolulu, HI

The truth is that hanging up a new calendar on the wall will not change how you feel nor does it define where you are or should be in your healing journey. 

With that in mind, here’s 5 tips to cope with feelings of loss in the new year. 

5 Ways Moms Can Prioritize Their Mental Health in 2023 | Therapy for Moms in Florida

5 Ways Moms Can Prioritize Their Mental Health in 2023 |  Therapy for Moms in Florida

While it isn’t always easy to make time to prioritize your mental health as a mom, here are five simple ways to put yourself first in the new year. 

5 Tips for Rediscovering Your Identity in Motherhood

5 Tips for Rediscovering Your Identity in Motherhood

There’s a common myth that motherhood completes or defines us as women. When you begin the journey toward becoming a mother, there is a hopefulness, a feeling of excitement and wanting to have a child. Then it happens. You have your perfect baby in your arms and all of a sudden, in that instant, you go from being the person you’ve been your whole life to being some new and different person – somebody’s mom. And it’s exciting and wonderful and then…

What Is Tapping? A Tool To Help You Cope With Anxiety

What Is Tapping? A Tool To Help You Cope With Anxiety

Nearly three years in, we are finally feeling some relief to the stress and anxiety that accompanied living through a global pandemic. As mothers, it has felt like three years of constant stress and coping. Even without COVID, the pressure that moms feel daily can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. Many of my clients have struggled trying to cope on their own and come to me seeking relief from the discomfort of high stress in the body and mind. I teach my clients a variety of skills, filling their toolbox with resources to manage their anxiety even after they leave our session.

One such technique is Tapping also referred to as Emotional Freedom Technique. Despite the growing popularity of tapping in recent years, many people still are in the dark about what it is and how it can help their symptoms

5 Tips on How to Cope with Feeling Overstimulated As A Mom

5 Tips on How to Cope with Feeling Overstimulated As A Mom

Do you ever feel yourself holding on to your last bit of patience when you’re not even upset or angry about something? You may be overstimulated. In other words, your brain feels like it has 50 tabs open simultaneously, which can be overwhelming and frustrating.

Whether you go to work full-time or are a stay-at-home parent, there are a few creative ways to sneak downtime into your schedule. So if you feel yourself wanting to wear earplugs just to hear yourself think, keep reading. This article explores a few ways to cope with feeling overstimulated as a mom.

Coping With Grief As A Military Spouse During The Holidays

Coping With Grief As A Military Spouse During The Holidays

For many military spouses, the holidays can be filled with navigating various challenges. Whether you recently moved to your base, your spouse is deployed overseas, or your hundreds or thousands of miles away from your family, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year's can feel isolating and lonely. While the rest of the world seems to be celebrating, you may be finding yourself filled with grief over the loss of home, place, and family.

How Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Women With Anxiety

How Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Women With Anxiety

Motherhood can feel like a constant flood of stress, overwhelm and anxiety. With all the loud noises, never ending requests for help, constant touching, and overstimulating toys, being a mom in and of itself can cause extreme anxiety. When anxiety isn’t dealt with it can cause additional problems such as panic attack disorder, depression, and chronic stress.

What do you do as a mom with anxiety when feel like you’ve tried everything to cope with the anxiety on their own? Online therapy using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) methods has been proven as an effective way to combat anxiety and reduce stress.

Four Tips To Help Moms Cope with Panic Attacks

Four Tips To Help Moms Cope with Panic Attacks

If you’re a mom that has struggled with anxiety for some time, you may not know the difference between an episode of extreme anxiety and a panic attack. While panic attacks sit under the umbrella of ‘anxiety disorders’ they are far more severe and come on much more suddenly than a quick bout of anxious thoughts.