
The Importance of Prioritizing Your Mental Health During Your Pregnancy From An Online Therapist In Tampa Florida

The Importance of Prioritizing Your Mental Health During Your Pregnancy From An Online Therapist In Tampa Florida

Pregnancy is an incredible and transformative journey filled with joy, anticipation, and excitement. While the process of bringing forth new life can be beautiful and happy, as we know, it can also be a struggle for many women. It's a time of significant emotional, physical, and life changes, which can be exciting, but also bring along uncomfortable emotions and challenges to the mother’s mental health. From anxiety and depression to overwhelming stress, the wellbeing of both the mother and the developing baby can be impacted. 

What Is Postpartum Psychosis?

What Is Postpartum Psychosis?

Few things are as life-changing as childbirth. The physical and emotional tolls of the act itself multiplied by the social isolation experienced by a new mother make this event one of the major stressors for a woman. As a result, it’s relatively normal for a new mom to experience mood swings and some mild depression in the first two weeks called baby blues but it’s important to be aware of the more serious manifestations of postpartum motherhood. 

10 New Orleans Area Date Night Ideas For Women From an Online Therapist

10 New Orleans Area Date Night Ideas For Women From an Online Therapist

We talk about it as moms all the time, and our friends likely warned us about it before we had kids of our own. Your relationship with your partner will probably struggle in the months and years after you grow your family by adding a child. And yes, the day-to-day grind of raising small humans can be exhausting and seemingly all-consuming of your energy. So, your connection with your partner gets put on a back burner, assuming this season of life will pass and someday you’ll be able to pick up where you left off with your Number One. 

How the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline Can Support Your Struggle With Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

How the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline Can Support Your Struggle With Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Postpartum Support International and the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s Health Resource Services Administration (HRSA) recently launched the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline. This support line is truly the first of its kind in that it is specifically focused on providing mental health support for moms, and even their partners and families.

Learning to Let Go of "Mom Guilt"

Learning to Let Go of "Mom Guilt"

Motherhood is hard, like really hard. And parenting in the time of a global pandemic is a whole other level of stress and difficulty. We aren’t going to always get it right. Rather than heaping guilt on yourself, almost as a form of self-punishment, try approaching yourself with a sense of self-compassion.

Is it Postpartum Depression or the Baby Blues?

Is it Postpartum Depression or the Baby Blues?

So, is it normal to cry and feel sad after you’ve had a baby? The answer is yes – it is normal to be tearful after having a new baby. However, it is important to understand the difference between the “baby blues” and “postpartum depression” as they need to be treated differently.

Postpartum Anxiety and Pandemic Worries

Postpartum Anxiety and Pandemic Worries

Giving birth is anxiety-producing and so is a pandemic, so when you put the two together, it’s a recipe for postpartum anxiety. On top of worrying about all the things that come with being a new mom or adding to your family, you now have to worry about being exposed to COVID, socially distancing, and the complexities of introducing or not introducing your infant to your loved ones.

This Isn't What You Expected: Pregnant During a Pandemic

This Isn't What You Expected: Pregnant During a Pandemic

Pregnancy is typically a time filled with celebration, joy, and eager expectation of your little one’s arrival. During pregnancy, there are milestones you look forward to: the first time you hear your baby’s heartbeat, seeing that tiny little face on an ultrasound, a gender reveal party, a baby shower thrown by loved ones, and the first time you get to finally hold your bundle of joy in your arms. And throughout these special moments, you can’t wait to be able to share them with you partner or spouse, other children, friends, and family members. But with the arrival of the coronavirus a few months ago, those of us who are pregnant found that our expectations for many of these milestones seemed to shatter around us.