coping skills

Military Moms: How To Help Your Children Cope With Your Spouse's Deployment

Military Moms: How To Help Your Children Cope With Your Spouse's Deployment

Frequently a challenge for military families who are uprooted is the lack of a support system for the parents and children. In such times of distress, kids might reach out to seemingly unlikely peers and trusted adults with questions, seeking advice, or for connection. It’s smart to talk with the people in your child’s life and explain what’s happening so they can help monitor any changes in behavior or mood and give additional support to your child.


From there, your family can do several things to prepare for an upcoming deployment or find a sense of normalcy and peace during one. Here are 4 tips for how to help your children cope with your spouse’s deployment 

What Is Tapping? A Tool To Help You Cope With Anxiety

What Is Tapping? A Tool To Help You Cope With Anxiety

Nearly three years in, we are finally feeling some relief to the stress and anxiety that accompanied living through a global pandemic. As mothers, it has felt like three years of constant stress and coping. Even without COVID, the pressure that moms feel daily can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. Many of my clients have struggled trying to cope on their own and come to me seeking relief from the discomfort of high stress in the body and mind. I teach my clients a variety of skills, filling their toolbox with resources to manage their anxiety even after they leave our session.

One such technique is Tapping also referred to as Emotional Freedom Technique. Despite the growing popularity of tapping in recent years, many people still are in the dark about what it is and how it can help their symptoms

Coping With Anxiety as a Mom: Is Social Media Making You More Anxious?

Coping With Anxiety as a Mom: Is Social Media Making You More Anxious?

Over the last decade, the use of social media in our everyday lives has impacted us tremendously. With the continuous development of new social media platforms, our world has become exponentially connected in ways it never has been. And while the importance and influence of social media in our lives has been in the negative spotlight for some time, the truth is that social media can have some really positive impacts on our lives, especially as moms.

Coping with Anxiety: When Meditation Doesn't Work

Coping with Anxiety: When Meditation Doesn't Work

I’ve heard a similar response from many people: “I tried to meditate but I just can’t get my mind to stop. It just doesn’t work for me.” If you’re someone who has tried to meditate but struggled with this practice, what can you do to still be able to get the same benefits that quiet meditation provide?

Why Do We Grieve Celebrities?

Why Do We Grieve Celebrities?

When we lose a friend or a family member, the rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions that accompany our grief can be expected to a degree. This was someone who was an important part of our life, someone we had a relationship with, so of course we will grieve the loss of their life. But when a celebrity dies, we are often surprised by the intensity of the feelings we experience over the loss of a person we never had an actual relationship with. 

Self-Care and The New Year

Self-Care and The New Year

The start of a new year often brings a full mix of emotions: excitement for new beginnings, grief over what has changed, anticipation of things to come, exhaustion from the stress of the holidays. 

With the new year also comes lists of goals, ideas, and resolutions we seek to cultivate in the days to come. Some of us want to create new health habits; others want to find a new hobby, while someone else strives for financial goals. Each person seeks different intentions and desires with the new year, but one goal should be on everyone’s 2020 list: self-care.      

Coping With Anxiety: Feeling Stuck? Check Your Altitude

Coping With Anxiety: Feeling Stuck? Check Your Altitude

You set out to learn to manage your anxiety and improve that area of your life. You seek out strategies, techniques, mantras…anything to help you find a better way of coping with the anxious thoughts and feelings. Maybe you’ve picked a particular strategy, such as mindful breathing, that you practice daily.  But a month or two down the road, you’re having a hard time seeing the effects of this practice in helping you decrease these unwanted anxious thoughts and feelings. “Is this even working? Have I even changed?”  You aren’t alone if you find yourself with these questions. When a client comes to me with these kinds of feelings, I ask them to “check their altitude.”