maternal mental health

5 Ways Moms Can Prioritize Their Mental Health in 2023 | Therapy for Moms in Florida

5 Ways Moms Can Prioritize Their Mental Health in 2023 |  Therapy for Moms in Florida

While it isn’t always easy to make time to prioritize your mental health as a mom, here are five simple ways to put yourself first in the new year. 

Four Tips To Help Moms Cope with Panic Attacks

Four Tips To Help Moms Cope with Panic Attacks

If you’re a mom that has struggled with anxiety for some time, you may not know the difference between an episode of extreme anxiety and a panic attack. While panic attacks sit under the umbrella of ‘anxiety disorders’ they are far more severe and come on much more suddenly than a quick bout of anxious thoughts.

Coping With Anxiety from the Pressures of Motherhood: Stop “Shoulding” Yourself

Coping With Anxiety from the Pressures of Motherhood: Stop “Shoulding” Yourself

It’s no secret that moms face an immense amount of pressure in today’s world. Motherhood can feel overwhelming, and the various pressures we feel from society, our friends, family, and especially ourselves are enough to constantly set us on the verge of a panic attack.

How Can A Psychiatrist Help You During Pregnancy?

How Can A Psychiatrist Help You During Pregnancy?

When I see patients in my office or through telepsychiatry, I typically hear that they are confused and upset by their symptoms. Often, it can be very isolating. Most women just want to enjoy what is supposed to feel like “the happiest time in my life.” While postpartum depression has started to get more press, peripartum anxiety is not often talked about, suspected or diagnosed. The good news is that peripartum disorders are often VERY treatable. The important thing is to be working with someone who has experience in this area, as symptoms can show up a little differently.

Hurricane Ida and COVID-19: The Perfect Storm for Mom Anxiety and Overwhelm

Hurricane Ida and COVID-19: The Perfect Storm for Mom Anxiety and Overwhelm

Hey there, NOLA mom, how are you?

I’m going to guess the answer is, “I’m really not okay.” I hear ya. It has been a really rough last few months, and not many of us are “okay.” And guess what? THAT is okay!

To say that life has been rough since March 2020 is an understatement. Most of us have been operating in survival mode since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Between trying to figure out balancing the roles of homeschool teacher, childcare provider, and lunch and snack lady, plus working a full-time job and trying to keep the house in some kind of livable condition, there has been little physical and mental space to decompress and heal from the stress and trauma associated with COVID-19

Three Things Simone Biles Can Teach Us About Maternal Mental Health

Three Things Simone Biles Can Teach Us About Maternal Mental Health

As I watched Simone Biles gracefully navigate the conversation around her mental health I found her message to be universally important. But I believe that there are three things Simone Biles can teach us about maternal mental health.